
Found these photos on the computer. Apparently, craziness DOES run in the family.



Okay, so there are 3 main branches in my family, the Ruhls from my m0m’s side; and from my dad’s side there are the Roaches and the Kimbells. I was not kidding when I said I came from a big family, because this is one of the smaller Kimbell family reunions. As in, not everyone’s there.


Auggie when he was a puppy. Yeah, he was tiny at one point in time.


Dad saved this one off the internet. Not sure why, but it’s funny.


My cousin Ally, and my uncle Cliff with those paper re-enforcement tings on their heads. The yellow thing is a balloon.


Taste the rainbow. Or think it. Left to right: Dylan, Jason, Kevin.


Dad chatting with a State Ranger in OBX, North Carolina. The dude with the granny-panties was telling us we had to put out our fire and leave. Psh- so the wildfire threat was red, whatever. Party-pooper. *rolls eyes*


You know how puppies are all spastic one minute and sound asleep the next? This is what happened when Auggie was little and passed out in front of the toilet when he was little. We took a picture and tell people that this is why you shouldn’t drink (alcohol that is; not drinking water would be bad)


Me, my family, and a few of my friends while camping. Left to right: Dad, Auggie, Ally, Mom, Dylan, Harry, Kevin, Hanna, Krystal, Grampy, Me, Morgan, Aunt Robin, Jamie, Jason.


Foxy and Auggie begging.


And then Foxy went over to the dark side…


Poor Scoob’s just like Are you kidding me? Guys? Seriously, ANOTHER puppy????


Morgan, Me, and Hanna goofing off.



Will post more soon.

  1. July 1, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Me: wow, Jason looks kinda like Dylan from school

    Aeron: That pic looks kinda photoshoped

    Me: is that even a word?

    Aeron: well it is now

    Me: im sorry, i dont see it in here *looking through invisible dictionary*

    Aeron: oh shut up,

    Me: what? you always correct my spelling!

    Aeron: yes, because those are real words

    Me: *snaps book shut8 HA! So you admit that that is not a real work Mr Aeron Peterson!

    Aeron: GAWD *head desk*

    • dresseaux
      July 1, 2009 at 3:33 pm

      which one? The one with a rainbow coming out of Jason’s head? That actually wasn’t a photo manip. Aunt Robin just shoved them over so that it would work from that angle. Dylan wanted to be the rainbow head person, but he was too short to have it look like he was the pot of gold.

  2. July 2, 2009 at 1:36 pm

    Me: ha, TOLD YOU.

    Aeron: you told me nothing! Well, maybe you did, but yeah!

    Me: that made little sense

    Aeron: you make little sense

    Me: *sighs* hes mad at me

    Aeron: says you!

    Me: you are! Because were going to camp, and you dont want to go

    Aeron: i never said that.

    Me: You see how mad he is!? *points at Aeron’s stone hard face*

    Aeron: *face still scary calm* you put your finger there again, youre gonna loose it.

    Me: eep!

    • dresseaux
      July 2, 2009 at 4:52 pm

      Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m completely and totally lost.

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